To discover in this latest delivery, some cool new features to improve the overall ergonomics and your productivity:
Search and Athletes summary
Want to get some quick info about a participant and its results? You know you can press Ctrl+f and type either a bib number or part of the participant name, then browse the matches.
What's new now: the athlete summary is directly integrated into the search panel. Faster and more comfortable, you can watch at many summaries in the same row. Moreover, hitting the Return key now opens the result entry form for the participant, which will be the most likely thing you need at this stage.
Search for commands
Though the ribbon organization for feature access is great, you still need a couple of clicks to open something, plus a small mind effort to remember in which area it stands.
Working with keyboard is maybe kind of a geek thing, but all of you might benefit from this new ability: type Ctrl+Shift+P, and then a few letters for what you're looking for. For instance, 'po' to find out the Podiums pane and open it.
You'll see it's as fast as easy, and it remembers what were your latest selections to make it even more comfortable. Means it can be a convenient way to repeat an operation. Betting you can't do without it anymore after you're accustomed...
Figures for split points
More accessible than grouped together with the whole event progress numbers, you can now have a quick overview of the ongoing stats for a split point, keeping the mouse over its page header.
And here's the list of other improvements:
Split points
When working on the result grid, you can now drag time cell values from a split point to another one. This is valid for the finish line as well, and it can work for a selection of rows in a single operation.
When the grid filter 'Inconsistent split times' is on, cells for the anomalies are displayed in red (time value is lower than the previous one).
Network registrations
Non-starter status of participants can be edited from the remote participant entry page.
Start check flag
Some of you often use a split point - unpublished - dedicated to know which participants where seen before start. The information is useful, but somehow doesn't deserve to be a timestamp value, to appear on the result grid, nor to mix up with other split locations. Also, it shouldn't be concerned by safety checks on the race start time or the race terminated status.
Thus we've introduced a new Start check data, which is a simple yes/no value you can see/filter in the participants grid. And the acquisitions settings propose a new target to feed this data from a file import or a direct connection to an RFID device.
Team rankings
Some specific calculation criteria can now be assigned to any custom classification, as it was already possible at the level of a race.
A new computation option now allows to set a filtering condition for participants, which will be processed upstream for the ranking calculation.
For example this solves easily the case when your team ranking must be made upon some qualified competitors only. Those are usually flagged by a registration data.
Before that, you could still define a classification with the filter and ask the team ranking to be calculated for this classification. But it was a bit more juggling - specially if you had to replicate it for many races - and it made the export of the right ranking not so immediate.
Additional note: when participants are filtered upstream, it means they aren't taken into consideration when calculating the individual rank of individuals. So 3rd means the 3rd of the filtered selection. You get something different if you use the option Other conditions on competitors, for example to tell you want max. 1 foreigner in a team. In this case some competitors will be excluded from teams but they will still count for the individual ranks calculation.
Screen configurations for G-Live
A new variable can be embedded into screen widgets, in order to get a running counter of the time gap with the race leader. This counter will extinguish itself after a few minutes, and will start again when another race leader crosses the finish line - for a new race or a new lap.
You can now save your configurations on your Genialp online user profile. Means they can be easily shared through the company, and easily downloaded on a newly installed PC.
While there, the menu Import some samples will bring you a new screen template added to the delivery. Ready to use, or available for your inspiration.
Named Responsive lap race - sized for a convenient TV screen, nice fonts, adapting widget sizes and positions to fit the space, remaining laps counter changing as checkered flag when down to 0 + gap with leader + best lap.
Waiting for more ideas!
Event videos on G-Live
Remember you can declare an online video of your finish line (youtube or other) so that it's shown on the athlete summary on G-Live, starting at the time he/she actually crossed the line.
To follow this idea, you can now declare as many videos as you have. Associating them with the right split point, race, or even stage. All the relevant ones for a competitor will show up on his summary.
Lap races
Useful for some motorsport races, a new option allows a race termination setting as a duration + 1 or more laps. To comply with this kind of rules: when the race leader crosses the line a first time after the race duration is over, every rider is due to complete one (or n) additional lap.
Our regular update, before the season gets too hot...
Race start shortcut
New menu item to enter a start time for a race: quicker option than loading the race list, looking for the right race item and validate. Also can be helpful if you intend to simply record a gun start with the mouse, using the PC clock.
And to enhance further the UX at this place, the contextual menu doesn't show anymore on a right click but instead a drop-down arrow appears on mouse over and a regular click does the job. So you have more chances to discover/remember the feature, which comes along the pre-existing menu to flag a race as terminated.
For those using the header option for their G-Live online, the default header content provided as a template (header.html) now includes an HTML element to load a logo for the current event.
If the header is in place, all you'll have to do is filling the new property in Event options screen / Web publication of your events. When browsing the event online the logo will show up.
Pursuing our efforts to provide a great experience to most of you, the job of translating documentation in Spanish has been started.
Relay races
A new option is now available to handle a relay race when runners/riders/... will share a unique chip for a whole team. It's still based on the Relay races management principles explained in the inline help files.
In practice, it allows to register all individuals with their own bib number. In addition you'll have to manage team numbers data and the chip ids will point to it (ex. chip id 4000 for team #4000 with teammates bib range 4001-400x).
When passing acquisitions come down Wiclax will determine which leg is concerned (including leg finish or intermediate splits) and the final ranking will show all the details you expect by participant.
Team races
Having an event globally set as a team race, you can now specify that a specific race of it is an individual one.
Means you can more easily mix team and individual races in a single event, up to the web publication where you'll retrieve a team ranking when necessary, and a regular individual ranking for individual races.
To catch up with a new point of the latest UCI regulations, you can now enter some points penalties that will be effective on the climbing classification instead of the points (sprints) classification.
When printing a team ranking, the option for the team participants display (all, none, ...) is now directly available on the print preview.
The detailed team list (including participants) is now compliant with the thumbnail mode, and shows flags for the team nationality. Standard mode has been enhanced as well for a better density.
Championships module
More flexible than ever, you can now chose which merging key will be used to recognize a same competitor in the different race files.
The key remains by default the competitors full names, originally made for events where no overall control of the registration data exists (i.e. each event registration process is made independently). Then you can now decide to merge on bib numbers, license numbers, or any custom data that will be found in all race files.
General classifications
New option to allow for "DNF" competitors to appear listed at the end of the ranking. It applies to those who typically didn't participate or finish all the required stages. They get appended to the grid, with a DNF status but allowing to display the detail of their performances for the stages they run.
Stage races
For your events managed as independent stages, you now have a new column named 'Stages' available for the participant list. It displays some visual flags to quickly see on which stage each individual is registered.
Furthermore the column can be sorted or filtered, bringing new abilities to work on participant subsets like for instance all those registered on stages 1 and 3.
Custom export formats
A stage index can now be specified alongside a variable to export, other than the one of the exported stage.
Gives the ability for instance export a grid including the start time of the next stage, performances (time, rank) for each stage, etc...
Team time trials
In UCI cycling mode, the net time for riders will be automatically set with the value of the nth rider of the team, when the criteria for the team classification of the stage is actually the "time of competitor of rank n".
Chip filtering
In addition to the general filter, it's now possible to enter a list of single ids to exclude that will be saved at the event level (not globally). Useful for cases when a test chip has remained on the circuit, and comes back again and again with a regular import.
Penalties and bonuses: they can now be entered by pasting an external list. Useful in some specific cases where you'll have a bunch of them to enter.
Printout: a new page settings option brings the ability to insert page breaks between groups. For example in a result list grouped by categories.
Withdrawals: similar to entering a list of non-starters, a new item from the competitors menu now allows to enter a list of bib numbers to mark as withdrawals. The bib list entering dialog has been enhanced to display a few useful information on the bib being typed - competitor's name, race and status.
Filters: new item for the grid filtering control (on the right-top corner), allowing to isolate unknown participants created after a chip read.
G-Live: improvements on the display of map legend and track profiles, on smartphone screens.
Keeping the pace, constant improvements, here's the new official release.
Team races
Some major changes to ease things when it comes to managing the team data:
the old Team list side panel disappears and is replaced by a more accessible and convenient Teams tab, making it available as a standard grid. Means you can get the best of it: sorting, filtering, multi-line edits,... The list can be filtered by race just as the participants or results grids. New data columns are available to get numbers of teammates registered/ranked/finishers. So more statistics become available.
when printing the grid, you'll get a handy choice to print either a simple list or a detailed one with participant details.
the team categories become a separated list, making things clearer in most race contexts. So that where it matters you'll be able to work on a shorter and more relevant list for selection. Options concerning automatic assignment of team categories are now accessible from the categories form below the list.
Lot of ideas to keep enriching this strategic piece of the solution.
New TV Screen mode
If you want to display results on a TV sized screen, here's a great new feature. First load the standard G-Live page, select the grid/race you wish, press F4. The grid goes in full page mode and starts auto-scrolling. A non scrolling mode is available by hitting F4 once again. And F7 gives a nice dark theme eventually more suitable for outdoor contrast.
Don't forget to play with the browser zoom as well, before setting it in full-screen mode.
Better design and user experience for the map items:
different tracks now toggled in one click (loosing the (useful?) ability to display more than one track at a time, but much more comfortable)
the profile shows the intermediate timing points
timing points on the track are displayed with the number of passed/expected runners. Numbers updated in live when the race Live is on, and a click on them pops up a summary of the associated ranking, men and women
Finish line video embedded
If you have a Youtube video of your finish line, you can now enter its address as an event parameter (tab Social networks of the options form. Alongside with its starting hour. On your online results, the video will be embedded into the athlete summary form and will start right before he/she's crossing the line.
Penalties are now displayed on G-Live: a mention of the time values added is shown on the result grid, and the detail of the motives can be seen in the competitor summary.
Athlete summary form
Now shows both average speed and pace values, corresponding to the main finish time.
Men/Women/Mixed selection
The selection menu is re-designed, more compact and hopefully more obvious.
Auto scrolling lists on screen configurations
Result lists items placed on a custom screen configuration can now be auto scrolling. You control parameters such as the step height, the scrolling pace and the animation duration. Scrolling can be horizontal as well.
Control recent passing
A new menu item brings the ability to decide when the recent passing history disappears from displays. Rather than an arbitrary timeout, you decide what and when to clean the list, for example to prepare for the next race or the next lap.
The design of printout templates is enhanced: now organized into 4 distinct areas where text items or pictures can be placed. Document header, (other) pages header, page footer and document footer. Hence more possibilities, like appending some document notes as required for the event. And a nice shortcut as bonus: when working on the print preview a text item from the template can be clicked to quickly change its content.
Participant filters
A very nice and helpful new feature for participant management: on the top panel of the main grids you'll find a new filter icon like this:
It offers some quick additional filtering possibilities, in the sense they're not built on the visible columns data. And they won't conflict with a regular filter already applied like a race selection, rather combining with it.
On the participant list the built-in conditions adds some shortcuts to isolate starters/non-starters, finishers, participants seen somewhere/nowhere, or withdrawals. So it's totally convenient to change in one operation the status for all individuals not seen at any timed location - typically setting them as non-starters.
On the result grids it's combining the data check features, to find missing intermediate times or inconsistent split time chronologies. These ones were already existing as a ribbon button but this way they become much more accessible.
RFID Systems
A consistent list of updates on that front too:
J-Chip connection now fully implemented
Mylaps and AMB decoders now with direct connection, using proprietary protocol P3
new option on the Race Result acquisition to filter chip reads by event id(s)
new general option to prevent the creation of unknown chip read in any case, suitable for events where the participant list or the chip distribution have no reason to be wrong
Implementation of export format for UCI races (UCI Dataride)
New variables available for custom exports: race time, gross time and rank for a given split point, time and rank for a given segment, number of starters in the gender and the category, all individual data for a given teammate when exporting a team ranking. Documentation re-written as a more accessible html page in /Export folder
New option to define a race as not published on the Web - it will be hidden on the G-Live app
Custom exports are now compatible with the export of a team ranking, and the export dialog now allow to select team ranking items for each race
For unisex events, a new general option allows to tell that participants for the competition are all men or all women - disabling stuff like Women highlighting for instance
Et voici la nouvelle version 8.4, après une saison bien remplie sur le terrain.
Les principaux changements contenus dans cette livraison :
Classement basé sur le temps puce
Pour les courses où le temps puce est considéré comme le temps de référence, cette nouvelle option marquera une avancée précieuse.
En l'activant, le classement des coureurs devient basé sur les performances en temps puce. A contrario, le temps officiel (temps pistolet) devient une donnée complémentaire et simplement informative, présente sur les grilles ou disponible pour le calcul des podiums. Les temps et places des pointages intermédiaires s'expriment également sur la base du temps puce.
Nouvel écran de démarrage
L'écran de démarrage a été entièrement remodelé, pas seulement pour son look mais aussi pour apporter plus d'ergonomie et de fonctionnalité.
La liste des fichiers récents est rallongée. Les notifications relatives aux nouvelles versions disponibles et à l'expiration de la licence en cours gagnent en visibilité.
Vue en matrice pour les courses à tours
Une des avancées les plus importantes : les courses à tours peuvent maintenant être suivies en mode matrice, complémentaire de la liste classique des passages sur la ligne.
Dans ce mode une ligne représente un concurrent et les colonnes représentent les tours. On peut ainsi voir l'état d'avancement global de la course, les meilleurs temps au tour et les progressions, insérer un tour manquant, ...
La matrice peut être filtrée sur une ou plusieurs courses au choix.
La mise en évidence des temps au tour incohérents est plus aisée que jamais, avec des valeurs limites configurables sur chaque course.
En mode course en relais, la matrice agrège les tours effectués par tous les coéquipiers, avec une ligne par équipe. Le cours de la course devient immédiatement lisible.
La matrice peut être imprimée, dans la mesure où le nombre de tours/colonnes n'est pas trop élevé.
Décalages de temps sur les imports (acquisition, fichier)
Utile lorsqu'un de vos lecteurs n'a pas été synchronisé correctement, ou pour tout autre type de traitement lors de l'import de résultats : les options d'import permettent maintenant d'ajouter ou retrancher une valeur aux temps d'origine.
Drapeaux et pays sur les impressions
Pour une plus grande flexibilité, vous pouvez maintenant choisir comment la nationalité des concurrents apparaît à l'impression. Les choix possibles sont le drapeau, le code pays, le nom du pays ou une combinaison drapeau + texte.
Vous retrouverez toutes ces options dans le menu de sélection des données, ouvert depuis l'aperçu avant impression.
Nouveau compte à rebours pour le module Départs
Le compte à rebours est maintenant plus adapté et plus audible, en mode 10-5-4-3-2-1-0.
De la même manière que la saisie de pénalités qui était déjà opérationnelle, il est désormais possible de saisir des bonifications de temps indépendamment des classements annexes (principalement utilisés en cyclisme). Ces bonifications peuvent être individuelles ou applicables à une équipe.
Heures de départ sur la grille des résultats
C'est une donnée qui manquait : désormais l'heure de départ individuelle peut apparaître en tant que colonne sur la grille des résultats. Elle devient ainsi disponible pour les impressions, tris et filtres, mais également pour modification.
Affectation automatique de la course
La fonctionnalité d'affectation automatique de la course a été étendue, de manière à s'appliquer aux données d'engagement. Il devient possible par exemple de mettre en place un lien entre des catégories d'âge et une course, pour que la course soit immédiatement modifiée avec la catégorie d'un coureur.
La fonctionnalité reste néanmoins utile pour les scenarios où la course est déterminée uniquement à l'arrivée d'un coureur, en fonction des pointages où il aura été vu ou pas (ou toute autre condition).
Modèles d'impression
En plus de quelques corrections de bugs, le lien entre un modèle et une impression est devenu plus pointu. Il inclut désormais la course en plus du type d'état (liste d'engagés, résultats, podiums, etc...). Cela signifie qu'on peut associer différents modèles d'impression en fonction de la course - parce qu'ils ne réclament pas les mêmes colonnes ou les mêmes logos par exemple.
En conséquence, le téléchargement automatique des pdf pour la mise en ligne utilisera naturellement le bon modèle en fonction de chaque course (menu FTP).
Configurations d'écrans pour le G-Live
Un must pour vos plus gros événements : les configurations d'écran pour le G-Live peuvent maintenant être intégrées à votre site web, de la même manière que la page standard du G-Live. Vous pouvez ainsi proposer un design dédié aux couleurs et logos de l'événement, et mettre en valeur les données de course les plus pertinentes.
Cette possibilité n'est bien sûr ouverte que si vous disposez de l'option Live sur le Web.
Ordre des acquisitions
Un détail pratique : l'ordre des acquisitions dans la liste peut maintenant être modifié par glisser-déplacer.
Ligne de backup pour l'arrivée
Une sophistication supplémentaire pour la gestion des lignes d'arrivée : dans le cas où pour une raison ou une autre - liée au matériel connecté par exemple - Wiclax reçoit une lecture de puce depuis une ligne de backup avant de recevoir la même lecture de la ligne principale, il écrasera le temps d'arrivée initialement intégré par le nouveau temps considéré comme plus précis.
Réorganisation des options
Bien que concentrer toutes les options de l'épreuve sur un même écran pouvait présenter des avantages, nous avons décidé d'apporter plus de clarté et une meilleure organisation.
L'onglet Options générales n'existe plus et les options de l'événement et/ou des étapes sont regroupées en catégories plus accessibles.
Tronçons et courses à tours
Pour gérer des configurations de courses où seulement certains tronçons du circuit sont à comptabiliser, nous avons rendu l'option de tronçon non chronométré compatible avec les courses à tours.
Plus précisément 2 possibilités coexistent : soit exclure certains tronçons - leur temps sera retranché au temps tour complet - ou bien désigner une liste de tronçons à comptabiliser. Dans ce dernier cas le temps au tour est calculé par la somme des tronçons désignés, sous entendu que les tronçons non désignés ne sont pas chronométrés.
Un exemple de course où ces possibilités seront très utiles est celui d'une montée chronométrée, avec le tronçon de montée effectué un nombre de fois indéterminé et seul le temps de montée étant comptabilisé. Un tour devient donc une montée et l'exploitation du meilleur temps de montée se fait naturellement.
Summer time here, but not totally resting - just like most of you being on the field. So here we keep the pace with a new 8.4 delivery, wishing it brings cool improvements for everyone once again.
The major changes included, in words and pictures:
Chip time based ranking
For those of you being in such context where the chip time is the whole thing, this new option will be much appreciated.
Activating it means the regular ranking is based on the chip time performances. And the gun time becomes the additional information, in grid displays or for podium calculation purposes. Moreover, the intermediate split times get calculated as chip times as well.
New startup screen
The startup screen has been fully redesigned, not only for aesthetics but we hope also for a better experience.
More items in the recent file list are now displayed. The information about licence expiration and new updates available is more straight forward.
Matrix view for lap races
Not the least of the new stuff, lap races can now be monitored in a matrix view mode, complementary to the regular passing list.
In this mode one row is for a competitor and columns represent laps. Great to see at a glance where the race is ongoing, see best lap times and progressions, insert a missing lap, ...
The matrix can be filtered on a race of your choice.
The highlighting of inconsistent lap times is easier than ever, with configurable limit values for each race.
In relay races, it's also aggregating laps made by all teammates, giving an immediate status on all relays.
The matrix can be printed, as long as the number of laps/columns is not too high.
Time offset on imports (acquisition, file)
Useful when one of your timing devices wasn't properly synchronized, or for any purpose when importing some time data: the import options now comes with the ability to add or remove a time offset to the raw values.
Flags and countries on printout
For a greater flexibility, you can now chose how the participants nationality gets displayed on papers. This can be the flag, the country code, the country name or even a combination.
You'll retrieve all options in the data selection menu, opened from the print preview.
New countdown sound for Starts module
The countdown is now a much more audible 10-5-4-3-2-1-0 sound.
Time bonuses
As was already possible for penalties, you can now enter time bonuses independently from the additional classifications (mainly used in cycling events). These bonuses can be individual or applicable to a team.
Start times on result grid
This was a missing one: now the individual start information can be shown as a column of the result grid. Being usable there for printing, sorting, editing and filtering.
Automatic race assignment
The automatic race assignment feature has been extended, so that it can now apply based on registration data. Means you can for example set up a link between age categories and a race, and the race will be immediately assigned after the category.
The feature remains ok to work on result data, i.e. when the race has to be determined based on some split locations having been through or not for instance.
Printout templates
In addition to few bug fixes around, we've made the link between a report and a template more tight by including the race (or the custom ranking/participant list). This means you can bind a different template for each race of your event - because you need different columns or specific logos - and you won't have to care afterwards.
Consequence to that, the automated pdf upload for online results will naturally use the right template for each race (FTP menu)
Screen configurations for G-Live
This can be a must for your very special events: the screen configurations for G-Live can now be embedded on your web site just as the standard G-Live page. So you can display dedicated colors and logos, along with the most relevant data depending on the race.
This of course if you're using the Web Live option.
Order of acquisitions
Cosmetic but useful as well: you can now modify the order of the acquisitions in the list by drag and drop.
Backup finish line
A further sophistication for finish line management: in case for some reasons - linked to the electronic devices - Wiclax receives a chip read from the backup line before arrives the same chip read from the main line, it will override the time first integrated with the most accurate one.
Options reorganized
Though it was somehow convenient to get everything on the same plate, we've decided to bring more clarity and a better organization with the event options screen.
The General options pane no longer exists and the event/stage options are divided into a few straight forward groups.
Segments on lap races
To handle race configurations where you need only some segments of the track to be counted, we've made the segment not timed option compatible with lap races.
Actually there's now 2 possibilities: either excluding some segments - their time will be subtracted from the overall lap time - or specifying a white list of segments to take into account - in this case the lap time is calculated by the sum of these segment times.
A good sample of race pattern where it's gonna be used is a timed climb, with the climb section made an indeterminate number of times and only the climbing time being counted. And the "best lap time" information becomes the best climbing time.
Here we go with the seasonal delivery! Coming with a handful of new features, while remaining focused as usual on the global user experience and high reliability. Here are the major items:
PDF files online
A long awaited one, you can now provide some PDF printouts to your race result visitors on the Internet.
The same way that we like printouts from Wiclax giving their best, we wanted the PDF available online to be more than just a poor data report. So we've made it that way: the PDF files will be generated by Wiclax itself and exported in a click alongside the event file itself.
On the backend the G-Live page will display a PDF button with the links, and that's it. Your files online are exactly as you wish, made from your own templates with the race sponsor logos and so on.
And around that, a new PDF export feature similar to what already existed for Excel files allows you to create all files you need locally in a single batch.
Segments not timed
This new option brings more opportunities when having to deal with specific competitions, like a multi-sport event or a climbing race where only the uphill way is going to count.
Having some intermediate timing points in place, you can define some segments and tell that some of them are not timed. I.e. they won't be taken into account for the overall final time calculation.
Hence a multi-sport event where competitors are doing a series of trials one after the other but have a rest or a waiting time between them can be managed in Wiclax without going with a multi-stage approach.
Built-in export formats
As an example of Wiclax export abilities, we've added predefined formats for result export:
- as required by FIDAL Italian federation
- as required by ITRA (International Trail Running Association)
Screen configuration design for G-Live
Looking to make the live screen design always more powerful and easy, we've made some nice changing so that the preview displayed at this point is an exact wysiwyg representation of the final result. The widgets are filled with sample data in all cases, coming from the opened file participant list if available or just random. And they remain draggable and resizable with the mouse.
More to come will be the ability to specify adaptative units for the sizes and positions, in percent or as CSS vw and vh (percentage of the available screen, horizontally and vertically).
Automatic saving and backup
The feature is more explicit than it used to be, allowing now both saving and creating some regular backup copies. In addition, you can also specify a target folder for the backup, like an external USB drive.
Social network properties for an event
You'll find a new tab in the event options to enter a few properties related to social network sharing.
These properties - a picture URL, a title and a description - will be used by g-live when a visitor wants to share an individual result on Facebook.
Online registration platforms
In addition to Génialp own platform, timers can now get connected to the US RunSignUp leading platform and download their registration data.
New notifications
The global interface can now use some smarter notifications to inform about any kind of event or error. This way is less intrusive than the old fashion message boxes, which could besides be stuck in the background when not attached to the main thread.
These notifications can be stacked or dynamically updated, and they can propose some contextual actions to perform.
Translation and localization
Always active on this front, we've added:
a Russian translation for the software
some good support for right-to-left languages (thanks Dror for helping with Hebrew). Printout can now be processed accordingly, mirroring the order of columns in tables. And you can check how the G-Live application adapts itself when you select Hebrew as the language.
some new translated pages for the Italian help files
a new ability to store some specific translations on an event file directly. For example because for that event and only that one you need some bilingual column headers. Hence once bound to the event file, you're no longer dependent on the general settings to be in phase with your needs. Available naturally in the Translations form.
Missing competitors
The missing competitors feature gets enhanced, and no longer displays just a raw list of bib numbers. You can now see names and races, copy data and work on a selection of rows to decide who to mark as withdrawals.
And the new form is ready to integrate even more information in the future.
Page footers on printout
The previous mode proposed a handy auto-centering option for pictures, which was nice but not open for true customization. Now you're free to position text items and pictures wherever you want.
Moreover, a new option of a printout template can be used to remove the default footer texts, and additional variables have been added for page numbering and print date, so you can redefine them if necessary.
Next step will be to distinguish a page footer to be repeated on each page, and a document footer to append specific information only once.
Web publishing for additional classifications
Useful for cycling races but not only, the G-Live application now also allows to select and display the additional classifications of the race - e.g. the sprints or the mountain ranking.
Various settings
New event settings have been added, in order to:
specify a custom delay between 2 bunches, on cycling races. The value still defaults to 1 second but can be adjusted according to the race rules.
adjust the precision of the average speed values, in number of decimal digits
RFID Systems and other electronic devices
This version comes with new achievements to comply with the widest variety of systems:
work on uRTime acquisition, to enable the push mode and display the battery level
improvements on the uRLive online passing service, to display data about your devices and files available for import
implementation of a new acquisition type for Chronotrack systems, through the SimpleClient software
implementation of a new acquisition type for Trident systems
beta version for acquisition on J-Chip systems
work on the connection to Microgate Rei2 stopwatch, including a new feature to export the list of participants from Wiclax
And to bring a bit of clarity in all these growing possibilities, the list of acquisition types displayed for the creation of a new item can now be cleared using the button on the right bottom corner:
Lap races
In case you unfortunately have to backup some missing chip passing manually, entering the bib number aside times in the queue (keyboard times) will now behave as expected. I.e. appending a new lap to the rider.